Scarlet Republics is a tactical turn-based fantasy RPG inspired by the Renaissance and Leonardo da Vinci's imagination.
I worked on the game for a year leading up to it's inital vertical slice deadline. The game has since continued development and has gone through a succesful Kickstarter campaign.
While working on the game I was responsible for AI design and development where I worked on pathfinding algorithms and on implementing a behavior tree system to be used by designers.
I was also responsible for designing the UX for the game's combat scenes and running playtests for it.
Lastly I made several VFX shaders such a cross-hatch shader for 3D models and a tile shader for the battlemap.
Since the company was still a start-up I was given a large amount of responsibility even though I was an intern. For example I was handed complete control over all the AI and UX features described earlier.
When I worked on the game, the team consisted of me, one other programmer, one writer/designer, two artists and one audio-guy.
In the pictures you can see an example of a behavior tree, a screenshot of the in-game combat and my cross-hatch shader in action.
In the video, you can get a sense for my work on UX by looking at the clarity of the flow of combat. You can also see the cross-hatching shader I built affecting most 3D models.